Monday - Friday Easy Morning Skincare

If you know me, then you will know I am a lazy skincare person. Not that I don’t take care of my skin, because I do. But, that you won’t find me spending hours every morning or evening with 20 different products in my routine.

I love healthy and clean products for many reasons, however, if they don’t work for my skin they get thrown in the bin!

I wanted to share a place at my “ easy “ weekday workday skincare routine that I feel has helped my skin get to a happy and balanced place that I love!

1: Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! Growing up I did not have bad acne, but I did have breakouts all over my face on a slightly regular basis, although it wasn’t a lot, it still really bugged me being a teenager. I think when I hit my 20’s I did a deep dive into reading more about cleansers, naturally occurring oils, and products. In short, what I came to find out was that I had fairly oily skin ( and still do! ) so, it’s been super important to me to wash my face daily, but with a very gentle cleanser. My current favorite is the SkinFix Barrier + face wash. It’s soft enough, clean/healthy enough but with the right amount of ingredients that do the dirty work!

2: Moisturizer! I think this might be my saving grace for my skin. I live in California, we have no humidity and it is always a bit dry, so keeping my skin happy and fully moisturized is key for me. I use the Skinfix hydrating face cream, But sometimes I feel like switching it up for the Flamingo daily moisturizer.

3: Sunscreen... Ok, this is new for me, and I am sure you hear everyone always telling you about the importance of wearing sunscreen daily. Sometimes I forget to put it on, but that’s okay, at 8 am on a Monday we are not always awake enough to remember it! I will say, I started using a semi-natural tinted sunscreen with SPF30, and not only do I feel that my skin is getting less sun damage and burn but, it's like a light and healthy foundation. Let’s be honest I do it for the glow! but, if it cuts my makeup routine in half I'm happy. The one I use is Andalou CC cream with SPF30 which can be found at Whole Foods.

These steps in total take me around 3 minutes every morning, I leave the house with clean skin that feels happy and hydrated with that extra glow and sun protection!


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